Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mission Statement

While they wear blue, Ill Stay Black

As Long as they Rule I am prone to fight back

I am a Negro poet, a soldier armed with Pen and Pack

My head under a helmet, that flies our colors of centuries back

Green for the land that we tilled

Red for the blood of my brothers killed

And Black, bearing skin yet to be healed

I stand as a United Negro Poet, we are the only force to be feared

-C.S Griffin

*** This poem came to me as I was sitting in the courtyard outside. I was wearing a hat that bore the colors of Rastafari, and thats where the inspiration for the helmet came in. Also this poem is a reflection of my recent embrace of my African American culture. I spoke to my mother about this poem shortly after writing it and she liked it very much. I hope that you readers, if there are any of you, will give me feedback on your reaction to the poem. Don't worry about offending me either, I want to deliver the best product to the world, so I welcome criticism.

1 comment:

Olivia_Nichole said...

Wow, really nice poem Chris. I like it. And you are totally doing better at this blogging thing than me :) .